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The Sacred Heart Language College

School Uniform

Dress Code

We have a very high standard of dress at The Sacred Heart Language College. You will be expected to meet these standards at all times. You will be told to remove any item that is considered inappropriate. It will be confiscated.

Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school, (ie hair should not be obviously dyed and hairstyles should not be excessive). The teacher’s decision will be final. Hair bands/clips must be black or navy blue.

Nail extensions and false eyelashes must not be worn.

Jewellery will not be permitted except for a watch and one pair of stud earrings, worn in ear lobes. No hoop earrings are allowed, for health and safety reasons.

Outdoor clothing will not be worn inside the school buildings.

School shoes will be worn; trainers are forbidden.


Navy blue blazer with badge or red sweater (Year 11 only)  
Navy blue kilt at the correct length  
White open-necked blouse  
White ankle socks (no logos) or skin-coloured / black / navy tights (not patterned)  
Black shoes  
Black or navy outer jacket or coat  

Plain navy blue or black scarf 


 School bags - These should be black or navy blue only. They should be large enough to hold text books, folders and the work for a number of subjects.

PE Kit

Navy blue leotard Navy blue PE skirt / skort
White PE top with collar and school crest Plain navy blue sweatshirt with school crest
Navy blue shorts White sports socks
Plain navy blue tracksuit Trainers