Christmas in the Community
Advent is a time of hope, peace, love and joy; a time for us to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. Cardinal Nichols dedicated this year to ‘Adoremus’, ‘Let us adore’; inviting us to renew and deepen our faith in, and devotion towards , the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist – both in the celebration of Mass and in adoration and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. As part of this renewal we are grateful to the Salvatorian Fathers who enable us to participate in ‘Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament’ after Mass in our Chapel every Tuesday morning, celebrated for the intentions of a Form class and the community. Over the year all pupils will have the opportunity to participate.
We also demonstrate our love by contributing to those in need in our communities at Christmas. Thank you to the pupils and parents for enabling us to contribute a great number of Christmas Hampers to the Catholic Children’s Society. We are also thankful to Waitrose for their generous contribution.
Year 10 pupils are fundraising to support our global community through CAFOD by providing gifts such as “Teach someone to read” £10; “Water for a Family”£33.For further information please see
A group of our talented singers shared their musical talents to bring joy to the residents of St Vincent’s Nursing. It was wonderfully received with rousing participation in ‘Rudolph’ and ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’!
After we go to press, Year 7 pupils will join and renew old friendships with the Catholic Primary Schools to participate in the annual Denary Schools Carol Service in St Joseph’s Church. It is always an inspiring evening listening to beautiful voices sing traditional carols; hearing the familiar readings and the Nativity re-enacted.