Visit from a member of the sacred heart alumni
Tuesday 7th March 2017
On Tuesday 7th March each Year 9 form had a visit from a member of The Sacred Heart Alumni. This was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to hear from a past pupil at an important time during Year 9 as they embark on their different pathways. Pupils had an opportunity to gain advice on making choices for the future, about different careers options, and had the chance to ask questions. Miss Moran
We were lucky enough to have a past pupil from The Sacred Heart Language College visit to help us along our journey of considering different GCSE options.
Our visitor, Funmi, really helped us realise how important it is to work hard and how much effort you have to put in to achieve your personal best. She emphasised that procrastinating can affect our learning and the results we achieve. It also made us think that this is only the beginning of a long journey in life. Overall, the main message we received from Funmi’s visit is that although the journey may be hard, when you finish it is extremely rewarding. Lauren Cousins and Sinead Padden, 9H